from Vial to Vein



Nursing embodies the compassionate and skilled provision of care, emphasizing the protection, enhancement, and optimization of individuals' well-being. This holistic practice involves preventing illness, addressing diverse needs, alleviating suffering, and advocating for the welfare of people and communities, ultimately contributing to the overall betterment of human health and quality of life.

Nursing Safety Matters!

Patient Well-being: Patient safety is directly linked to positive health outcomes. Ensuring that patients receive the right treatment in a safe manner is essential for their well-being and recovery.

Healthcare Provider Protection: Healthcare providers, including nurses, are at the frontlines of patient care. Their safety is vital to maintaining the quality and continuity of healthcare services.

Legal and Ethical Obligations: Healthcare institutions have legal and ethical obligations to provide a safe environment for both patients and staff. Nursing safety is a fundamental aspect of fulfilling these obligations.

Epic Infusion Pumps redefine pain management solutions, offering a range of products that prioritize efficacy, safety, and patient well-being.

Elastomeric infusion pumps are frequently used for the continuous delivery of pain medications, such as opioids, in both acute and chronic pain management. They provide a controlled and constant infusion rate, allowing patients to receive consistent pain relief.

It is a notable trend the growing use of disposable elastomeric pumps for home-based pain management. Patients can now receive with SMARTeZ™ pumps, continuous analgesic therapy in the comfort of their own homes, minimizing the need for hospital stays and reducing healthcare costs.

Choose Epic Infusion Products for Nursing

Ensuring the safety of patients and healthcare providers is paramount in any healthcare setting. EPIC SMARTeZ™ products are designed with esteem to the critical role of nursing safety in delivering effective and compassionate care. 

Explore how Epic Products enhance nursing safety

Reduced Risk of Infection

Infection control is a top priority in healthcare. SMARTeZ™ single-use infusion pumps are designed to eliminate the risk of cross-contamination and infections associated with reusable pumps. This feature is particularly crucial in healthcare settings where patient safety is paramount.

Precise Medication Delivery

SMARTeZ™ pumps offer precise control over the administration of medications. This precision ensures that patients receive the right dosage at the right rate, minimizing the risk of medication errors.

Patient Mobility

EPIC lightweight and portable SMARTeZ™ pumps allow patients to maintain their mobility while receiving necessary treatments. This not only enhances the patient’s experience, but also reduces the risk of falls and complications associated with immobility.

Enhanced Documentation

SMARTeZ™ pumps often come equipped with advanced monitoring and documentation features. This technology enables healthcare providers to accurately track medication administration, ensuring a complete record of care for each patient.

Optimized Workflow

By streamlining medication delivery and reducing the need for frequent adjustments, SMARTeZ™ products help healthcare providers work more efficiently. This optimized workflow minimizes the risk of fatigue-related errors.

Patient Education

SMARTeZ™ products are designed to be user-friendly, making it easier for nurses to educate patients on their use. Patient understanding and cooperation are essential for safe and effective treatment.

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